Making Waves on Campus with Megan

My name is Megan Taggart and I am currently attending Oakland University in Rochester, Michigan. I absolutely love it here! I have made so many friends that are just as passionate about hair care as I am. I am currently going to school for Business, specifically Marketing

What is/are your favorite Beachwaver product(s)?

my favorite Beachwaver product is “Keep it Calm.” I tend to have lots of fly-aways as well has baby hairs due to the damage of constantly slicking it back from being a competitive dancer. This product has genuinely saved me, and makes me as confident as ever about my hair!

What is your favorite part of being a member of Beachwaver’s Campus Wave?

 My favorite part of being a Beachwaver Campus rep has been connecting with so many amazing girls via social media from colleges & universities all across the nation, as well as learning more about the company & making content. 

What do you expect to be doing 10 years from now?

 In 10 years I see myself focusing specifically on digital marketing. I have always had an interest in social media from a young age which has allowed me to gain quality characteristics for my career.

What is an obstacle you’ve faced, and how did you get through?

Recently I felt I was constantly overworked and overwhelmed. I decided after reading the book “Essentialism” that I would start focusing on how to cut out the nonessentials. I did this by learning how to say “no” to things I would have said “yes” to out of guilt. I took “minor setbacks for major comebacks” as a sign that no matter where you are right now, that’s exactly where you are supposed to be, and that includes those difficult decisions.

What is your life motto?

Something I constantly remind myself of is a quote I heard during my Freshman year of high school from a Mike Manfs YouTube video, “minor setbacks for major comebacks.” I live my day-to-day life with this in the back of my mind, even 6 years later! Life can be so short, so dwindling on things that are most likely short-term becomes a negative mindset. Breathe, take 10-15 minutes to be upset, and move on! Although it’s hard to keep pushing, your lows will always become a lesson in life.

What’s the craziest hair trend you ever rocked?

I think the craziest “hair trend” I have participated in was back in Elementary school. For crazy hair day, I would put a red solo cup on my head, and fold my hair over the top of it. If you cannot envision this, just think of the hair that the Trolls have from the movie “Trolls.”


Making Waves on Campus with Jayde